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January 27, 2013 Prayer Note

Dear Family & Friends,


“I will thank the Lord with all my heart! I will tell about all your amazing deeds! I will be happy and rejoice in you! I will sing praises to you, O sovereign One!”  Ps. 9:1-2 NET


Our God is always worthy of our praise.  During the past two weeks we have had three funerals connected with our work here in Taiwan.  Two were older men who had lived long lives.  The other was an infant, whose life had just begun a few months ago.  Though their situations were all different in ways, their future is the same.  They are all enjoying eternity with God.  This gives us reason to praise.  At each of the funeral services there were songs sung and scriptures read that gave praise to God, which was appropriate.  Each of these services provided a witness for God’s love and mercy.  One of the ladies, Miss Wang, that works for the the mortuary that took care of the both the men was touched by what she saw and is interested in learning more about God.  PTL!  Pray that she can come to know God as her lord and Savior.  The service for little Sunshine provided a great witness to her family as well.  They said that they did not know how they would have made it through this time without the people at His Hands.


We ask that you continue to pray for the ministry of His Hands.  The second of the two moms that have been living at His Hands gave birth to her baby on Saturday after over 2days in labor.  Both mom and baby are doing well.  Two other moms may move into the House of Hope soon.  Pray that His Hands can continue to provide a loving witness for God to these moms and their families.


Thank you for praying for the beginning of a new Bible Story Group at the bank.  It is finally going to begin the first week of February.  We won’t be meeting at the bank, but at a nearby coffee shop.  There are a total of three people meeting at this time.  Two of those meeting are not yet Christians.  This group will be in Chinese, so pray for John as he prepares.  Pray for all of those involved to grow to become disciples of Christ.


Thank you for praying for the the daughters and grandchildren of our team.  Dave and Jeanay’s new granddaughter Reilly and her mom, Debbie, are doing well.  Bethany and the twins are doing well, too.  We ask that you pray for Cheryl as she travels to Canada to be help take care of Bethany and our three granddaughters.  She will leave on Monday afternoon our time.  Cheryl will be in Canada until Feb. 28th.  Pray for John, Andrew, and Moriah, as well as His Hands, while Cheryl is in Canada.


We praise God for all of you.  Thanks again for praying.


God Bless,


John & Cheryl



1.  Praise God for using the funerals of these three people to bring a witness to these people.

2.  Praise God for another safe baby delivery and pray for the continued witness of His Hands.

3.  Praise God for the beginning of the new Bible Story Group on Feb. 6th.

4.  Praise God for the babies and moms doing well.  Pray for Cheryl as she travels to Canada on Monday.




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