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July 4, 2010 Prayer Note

Dear Family and Friends,

“He humbled himself, by becoming obedient to the point of death – even death on a cross!  As a result God exalted him and gave him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow – in heaven and on earth and under the earth – and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2:8-11

This past week at the Taiwan Missionary Fellowship conference, we received both encouragement and challenge from each of the speakers.  One of the greatest challenges we received was not to forget that all things were to be done so that God might be glorified.  We were also challenged to believe that  God is most glorified when people of ethnicity are unified together in Christ Jesus for God’s global glory.  The above passage of scripture was presented by our fellow Team Expansion missionary, David Atkin, as support for this view.  We often teach and preach from this passage, but we tend to run out of steam by the end of the passage.  More emphasis is placed upon the humility and obedience of Christ leading to His exaltation, and then our responsibility to follow in His steps.  Please join us in having more of global mindset of making God’s name known to all people everywhere.

Please continue to pray for the transition of leadership at the Good News church.  There will be a meeting today with the leadership.  John and Eugene will both be attending.  There will be some discussion concerning the sharing of responsibilities and preaching schedules.  John will be assisting Eugene as he learns to serve a congregation full-time.  We are trying to be sensitive both to the needs of the congregation and the potential problems of a missionary becoming too involved with a “planted church”.  Please pray for wisdom as we work out these details.

Sports and English Camp is just a week away.  This has become an annual outreach event that our missionaries on island work together to have.  This year there are 140 campers.  Many of these youth are not Christians and do not attend youth groups or church services.  Please pray that the Holy Spirit will use this week to convince them of their need for Jesus.

Our VBS is the last week of July.  Our people are preparing crafts and lessons at this time.  We are also in the middle of our registration drive.  Last year our goal was 50 students.  We registered just over 50 students and had a daily attendance of about 45.  We hope this year to register 60 students.  Please pray that God will provide these students and that He will prepare our hearts to minister to them.

We pray that God’s name will be glorified globally through our efforts!

We hope you have a blessed and happy 4th of July!

God Bless,

John & Cheryl

1.  We thank God for a great week at TMF and ask that you work and pray toward God receiving global glory through all peoples of the world coming together as a body in Christ.

2.  Please pray for the transition of leadership at the Good News church.

3.  Please pray for our upcoming Sports and English Camp, July 11- 17th.

4.  Please pray for our VBS that is the last week of July.

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