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January 2, 2011 Prayer Note

Dear Family & Friends,

“But Noah found favor in the sight of the Lord. This is the account of Noah. Noah was a godly man; he was blameless among his contemporaries.  He walked with God.”  Genesis 6:8-9

Noah was a man that chose to act righteously.  According to the book of Hebrews, he acted by faith.  It was his faith in what God said that caused him to be considered righteous in the sight of God and, ‘…blameless among his contemporaries.’  Today it is the same for us.  It is by faith in the sacrifice of our Savior, Jesus Christ, that we are considered righteous as well.  May we all choose today to live by faith during this new year.

We ask that you pray for those that were baptized last week at the Good News church.  John had the privilege of baptizing three people last week.  A couple Simon & Rachel Jen and an older lady Miss Xiow.  Simon has come to the Good News church for about 11 years and had been sprinkled as an adult, but now he chose to be immersed with his wife.  He said that he had learned a lot about baptism since coming to the Good News church and part of that was that immersion was the mode that truly fulfilled the meaning of scripture.  He said that he wanted to be obedient to the message of God’s word.  PTL.

Cheryl’s brother Tim is having prostate surgery this Tuesday, Jan. 4th.  Please pray for Tim and the family as he goes through this surgery.  Please pray that he will heal quickly as well.

Last Friday evening at one of the Friday evening cell groups, one of our men said that he had never yet read through the Bible in a year.  He committed to do so this year.  Paul is going to challenge everyone at Eternal Light to do the same.  Please pray for everyone to take up this challenge together.

May God bless you richly in the coming year.

In Christ’s Love,

John & Cheryl

1.  Please join us in committing to live by faith and not by sight during 2011 as Noah did in his day.

2.  Please pray for those that were baptized last week.

3.  Please pray for Cheryl’s brother Tim as he has surgery on the 4th.

4.  Please pray for the Eternal Light congregation to read daily in the Word of God.

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