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May 1, 2011 Prayer Note

Dear Family & Friends,


“And the Lord said, ‘My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.’”  Exodus 33:14

The words that God spoke to Moses were to be an encouragement to him.  The presence of the Lord would bring rest to Moses as he was obedient to what God commanded him.  This is true for us as well we are to find our rest in God.  True rest comes from knowing God, rest from striving to be good, rest from trying to accomplish things on our own, rest from trying to earn our salvation.  Let us pray that we truly learn to rest in the Lord God Almighty.


Praise the Lord!  The Michael family received Malachi’s visa without a hitch on Friday.  They will board a plane for the States Sunday evening.  Please pray for their travel as well as the transition for the whole family.


Please pray as well for the adoption process for Malachi’s older brother, Isaiah, to be able to begin soon.  The Michaels were able to see him twice on this trip to pick-up Malachi.


Please pray for the Mother’s Day outreach next week that Eternal Light will be hosting next Sunday.  We are concentrating on the families of the children that attend our after school program and the guitar class.  Please pray that all these families will attend and be challenged by the Word of God.


Our time before leaving for home assignment is short.  Please pray for all our arrangements to be completed soon.  We have several things to accomplish both here and in the States.  We are grateful for all that is being done to prepare us a house to live in and to find us a vehicle to drive.


Thank you for praying.


God Bless,


John & Cheryl



1.  Let us pray to learn to rest in our God as we do the work he has given to us.

2.  Praise God that Malachi received his visa.  Please pray for travel and adjustments for the Michael family as they return to the states.

3.  Please pray for the adoption of Malachi’s brother to begin soon.

4.  Please pray for the Mother’s Day outreach next week at Eternal Light.





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