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August 14, 2011 Prayer

Dear Family & Friends,


“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”  Micah 6:8 NASB

This passage of scripture was John’s text on Friday evening for the Senior’s banquet at Latona.  This text tells us what God expects of us as we live out our lives.  It is very similar to other passages such as where Jesus tells what the greatest commandment is in Matt. 22.  The emphasis is on our relationship with God and with others.  We are charged to live for God and others rather than ourselves.  Selfishness must die if we are live a God pleasing life.  Please pray with us as we desire live for God and others rather than ourselves.


This is the middle of “Ghost Month” in Taiwan.  People believe that during this month the spirits are allowed to roam freely causing havoc.  Please pray that Taiwanese Christians will take advantage of this time to share their faith with their family, neighbors, and friends as to why they do not fear this time of year.


Please pray for Paul Pan as his foot continues to heal.  The doctors are certain that his toes can be saved!  They will be doing a skin graft on Tuesday.  He will still be in the hospital for about two more weeks.  Last

Sunday they used Skype for Paul to preach, but this week he was able to leave the hospital for worship.  PTL!


The VBS at Eternal Light went very well.  There were 60 children in attendance.  The church is making plans to begin a Saturday morning children’s program that will begin at the end of September.  Their hope is to bring these children and their into the Sunday morning worship and Sunday School.  Please pray as they continue to serve the community.


Please pray for our children as school begins this week.  Nathanael will be heading back to college on Tuesday.  He will be a resident assistant this year in the dorm.  He has to return early so as to be prepared for the new students as they arrive.  Andrew and Moriah will begin school on Thursday.  They both have been meeting people in their grade, but they do not yet know which class or homeroom they will be in this year.  Bethany continues to do well as she & Philip await the arrival of baby White.


Thank you for continually praying for Taiwan and our ministry together there.


God Bless,


John & Cheryl



1.  Please pray with us to become less selfish and more of a servant of God and others.

2.  Please pray for Taiwanese Christians to witness during “Ghost Month.”

3.  Please continue to pray for Paul Pan as he heals.  Praise God that his toes can be saved.

4.  Pray for the Eternal Light Congregation as they plan for a new children’s program in September.

5.  Please continue to pray for our children as they prepare for changes in their lives.





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