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January 22, 2012 Prayer Note

Dear Family & Friends,


He prayed to the Lord and said, “Oh, Lord, this is just what I thought would happen when I was in my own country. This is what I tried to prevent   by attempting to escape to Tarshish! – because I knew that you are gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and aboundingin mercy, and one who relents concerning threatened judgment.  So now, Lord, kill me instead,because I would rather die than live!”  Jonah 4:2-3


It has been said many times that Jonah was a reluctant missionary, but he was much more.  He was an example to Israel as to what they had become and what they were intended to be.  He was so focused on himself and his nation that he could not comprehend God saving another nation.  Israel was intended to bring God glory through drawing the nations to God as He blessed her, but she was consumed with herself.  Are we so self-centered that we have no room in are hearts for the lost of this world?  Does the lack of love we have for lost cause us to not want them to hear of God’s grace, mercy, and love?  Let us pray for the Holy Spirit to guide us to do God’s will and share Him with the nations.


This sunday we will be reporting at the Calumet ST. Christian Church in Centralia, IL.  We look forward to visiting with these dear friends as well as seeing some family members.  We praise God for their faithful support through the years.


This Monday John will be supporting a neighbor as he goes to court.  He is taking responsibility for His actions.  Please pray that he will see God’s faithfulness to him no matter the outcome of the hearing.


Sunday is Chinese New Years Eve.  Many people will be traveling to spend time with their families.  This is a special time for Chinese families.  It is a time when Christians are faced with choices.  They must determine how to show respect for their ancestors living and dead without being unfaithful to God.  It is difficult for some new Christians, but it is a great opportunity to witness as well.  Please pray for all Chinese Christians as they decide how to be the best witness they can for Jesus.


Thank you for your prayers.


God Bless,


John & Cheryl

1.  Please pray that we all will love the lost enough to share the love of God with them.

2.  Please pray for us as we continue to report to churches.

3.  Please pray for our neighbor as he goes to court.

4.  Please pray for Chinese Christians to be great witnesses during Chinese New Year.




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