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December 29, 2015 Prayer Note

Dear Family & Friends,

“As they came into the house and saw the child with Mary his mother, they bowed down and worshiped him. They opened their treasure boxes and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.”  

Matt. 2:11

The wisemen had searched for the new born king for a period of time.  Having found the baby Jesus, they immediately worshipped Him and gave Him gifts.  Why did these learned men who also had means desire to worship this baby king even though He was not found in a palace?  The answer is simple.  They believed Him worthy of worship.  Does your belief cause you to desire to worship Jesus and give Him the best that you have?

The Sunday evening worship and meal we hosted with the Pagel family went very well.  Everyone enjoyed the meal and fellowship.  Everyone participated in the worship time as well.  We read scriptures as a group in English and in Chinese.  Samantha’s mom read every word loudly and clearly.  When Cheryl was passing out goodbye hugs Samantha’s aunt acted like she did not want to let go.  We are hearing good reports back about the other Christmas outreaches as well. Pray with us that the Samantha’s family as well as the others families present at the outreach activities will desire to learn more about Jesus.

Our team is having a planning meeting on Saturday morning.  Pray that we come together in one mind and purpose to accomplish our task.

We hope you have a great New Year and seek to be a blessing to as many people as possible.

God Bless,

John & Cheryl

1.  Please pray that we worship Jesus with all our hearts and give Him our whole being.

2.  Please pray that those attending the outreach activities will know more about Jesus our Lord.

3.  Please pray that our team accomplish much at the planning meeting.


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