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May 22, 2016 Prayer Note

Dear Family & Friends,

When you spread out your hands in prayer, I look the other way;  when you offer your many prayers, I do not listen, because your hands are covered with blood.  Wash! Cleanse yourselves!  Remove your sinful deeds  from my sight. Stop sinning! Learn to do what is right!  Promote justice!  Give the oppressed reason to celebrate!  Take up the cause of the orphan!  Defend the rights of the widow!  Isa. 1:15-17

There are times that it seems like prayers get stuck somewhere between here and the throne room of God.  We pray for important matters that we know God cares about, yet things stay the same.  There could be more than one answer, but sometimes I wonder if it is our own lack of sincerity or our unwillingness to be changed by God that hinders our prayers.  It is a little like the announcement on the airplane to put your air mask on first before helping someone else.  We need to confess our sins and start walking humbly with our God.  This will clear the path for our prayers to the throne room of God.  Join us in confession and submission as we seek God’s heart to change the world around us.

Since being in Taichung this past year we have not written much about Taiwan Xi En.  Today we ask that you pray for Taiwan Xi En and consider how you might support the ministry financially.  We are including a link to an appeal from the ministry that explains the situation.  Please take the time to read it.  Thank you!


Thank you for praying for Sports & English Camp.  We are attaching lists of the campers that will be attending this summer during both weeks.  Please do not post these lists on the internet.  You may certainly share them at your church and with family and friends who will pray for the hearts of these youth to be changed for eternity.

We are grateful for all your prayers for our team here in Taiwan.  Three of our families are preparing for home assignment this summer.  Those families not going on home assignment are preparing for S&E camp.  Each family has children that are finishing their school year.  Add into all of this the life challenges that come up with health and other things.  Life is not easy.  We all need prayer to finish well whether it be our children or us the adults.

We are very grateful for your prayers.

God Bless,

John & Cheryl

1.  Please join us in confession and submission as we seek God’s heart to change the world around us.

2.  Please pray for Taiwan Xi En and consider supporting the ministry financially today.

3.  Please continue to pray for S&E camp and all those students and faculty who will attend.

4.  Please continue to pray for our team as we prepare for the summer.

CampPrayerCard2016-Week1 CampPrayerCard2016-Week2

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