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June 15, 2016 Prayer Note

Dear Family & Friends,

“I continually think about this, and I am depressed. But this I call to mind; therefore I have hope: The Lord’s loyal kindness never ceases; his compassions never end.  They are fresh every morning; your faithfulness is abundant!  ‘My portion is the Lord,’ I have said to myself, so I will put my hope in him.  The Lord is good to those who trust  in him, to the one who seeks him.”  Lamentations 3:20-25

Times of mourning and possibly depression come to all of us.  When we feel a loss whether from death or from someone moving away. It is common for us to have a time of feeling low.  These feelings may come and go or they may stay for a period of time.  This is normal and even useful for us as we work through the transition, but these feelings should not control us or bring us down to despair.  Jeremiah reminds us that God is always with us sending us his compassions everyday.  He never runs out of faithfulness and compassion.  When we are down we need to seek the Lord even more and trust that He will provide all we need for He is our hope!

We are sorry for being slow this week sending out the prayer note.  Our schedule is not nearly as consistent while traveling.

We ask that you pray for Cheryl’s family.  Her grandmother, Bessie Jackson, died this past Sunday morning.  She has been getting slowly weaker these past few months, but it was still a little bit of a surprise.  We and some other family members had visited her at different times on Friday and Saturday.  She seemed to be doing very well.  During the night her heart started giving her problems and not too long after she passed.  When we left for Taiwan we had seven living grandparents.  Grandma Jackson was the last to pass.  This is the only funeral of the seven we have been able to attend.  The services will be on Thursday morning in Centralia, IL.  We are grateful to know that all of you will be praying for the whole family.

This week we are enjoying being with our Latona church family.  This is VBS week.  We are serving as the missionaries.  Latona has been a great blessing to us through the years.  We are thankful for their continual support and love.  Pray for all the young lives that are being touched this week.

We will be reporting at the Old Union Church of Christ in Poseyville, IN this coming Sunday.  We will also spend the weekend with Cheryl’s family as we celebrate Father’s day.

Sports and English Camp is coming up soon in Taiwan.  Please remember to pray everyday for the youth and faculty.

John & Cheryl both have cell phone numbers here in the US, but we don’t always have good coverage in southern IL.  If you try our cell phones and don’t reach us send us an e-mail.  John – 217-343-0745  Cheryl 217-343-9513

Thank you for your prayers.

God Bless,

John & Cheryl

1.  Please pray for Cheryl’s family as they mourn the loss of her grandmother, Bessie Jackson.

2.  Please pray for the VBS at the Latona Church of Christ this week.

3.  Please pray for our continued travels and reporting.

4.  Please join us in praying for the campers and faculty of both weeks of S&E Camp.

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