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October 9, 2016 Prayer Note

Dear Family & Friends,

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is God’s power for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.  For the righteousness of God is revealed in the gospel from faith to faith, just as it is written, ‘The righteous by faith will live.’”  Romans 1:16-17 NET

How do you show that you are not ashamed of someone or something?  If you are fan of a certain ball team you wear a T-shirt with their logo on it.  If you support a certain candidate you try to convince people to vote for that candidate.  How do we show that we are not ashamed of the gospel?  You tell people the gospel.  You tell them of God and Jesus and of the love they give.  All the time you are also showing them the love of God.  You are living out your own salvation in front of people.  If our actions confirm the words we have spoken as truth people will be likely to believe.  So, how are you doing living up to the challenge given by Paul here?  Pray with us as we try to live our lives daily not ashamed, but empowered by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Tonight when John meets with the Jang family they will be discussing the rebellion of the children of Israel as they make the golden calf.  It is an important story as it is set against the giving and acceptance of the law and 10 commandments.  We are challenged to see ourselves as we are living in rebellion to God’s commands if we don’t keep the law.  Pray that the Holy Spirit will work in the minds and hearts of the Jang family tonight to help them honestly see their hearts in light of the truth of God’s Word.

We ask that you continue to pray for the two moms at PSC as they get know each other as well as their babies.  It is a hard time for anyone, but especially hard without family around to help you.

Thank you for praying for Cheryl and the other board members as they met this past week extensively.  They were able to accomplish many things.  Teachers also met Thursday through Saturday for professional learning.  One of the main topics had to do with incorporating Biblical truth into their lessons.  It is a challenge at times knowing how much to say with a classroom that has Christians, Buddhists, Taoists, Atheists, and more.  Please pray for our school to be light to all the students that attend.

We are going to be gone a couple of days to the beach this week as the kids are on fall break.

Thank you for praying.

God Bless,

John & Cheryl

1.  Please pray that we live daily unashamed of the Gospel.

2.  Please pray for the Word of God to reveal the attitude of their own hearts to the Jang family.

3.  Please pray for the moms that are living at the Pregnancy Support Center.

4.  Thank you for praying for Cheryl and the school board as well as all our teachers.

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