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June 18, 2017 Prayer Note

Dear Family & Friends,

“Sanballat and Geshem sent word to me saying, ‘Come on! Let’s set up a time to meet together at Kephirim in the plain of Ono.’ Now they intended to do me harm.  So I sent messengers to them saying, ‘I am engaged in an important work, and I am unable to come down. Why should the work come to a halt when I leave it to come down to you?’  They contacted me four times in this way, and I responded the same way each time.”  Nehemiah 6:2-4

Distractions are often a problem.  Our world is full of them.  There are so many things that bide for our attention everyday.  We have to purposefully choose not to pay attention to or to become involved in many good things in order to accomplish what is most important.  While people will unintentionally distract us from our purpose, Satan will use anything to purposefully distract us.  Jesus commanded us to, “… go and make disciples of all nations, …”  How many of us are actually actively involved in making disciples?  How many of us get distracted doing good things that we never get to the best things?  We all have good intentions, but we need to act on those intentions and be purposeful to fulfill Christ’s command to every disciple to make disciples.  Pray with us not to be distracted by good things this summer.

Sports & English Camp begins on July 9th.  We have several items to finish up for camp as a team.  Some of them are time consuming and need to wait until closer to the start of camp.  Other items need to be completed sooner.  We ask that you cover our team in prayer as we complete all of these tasks.  We also ask that you continue to pray for the campers to be open to hear the truth in God’s Word.

Summer always brings special challenges to groups meeting together consistently.  This summer is the same.  Chad and John are assisting the church that meets at the Messimer’s home this summer, but many people are busy and not coming consistently.  The two weeks that we have S&E Camp will cause us not to be able to meet with some of our groups as well.  Pray with us that the times that we are unable to meet together will actually cause the members to desire that fellowship and actually seek the Lord on their own.  We hope that this summer will be a time that their faith will actually grow.

Because we will be moving in August to Lotung on the NE side of the island, we have been house hunting.  So far we have not found a place that we are really excited about.  We have increased expenses with Andrew & Moriah living in the dorm this fall, so this affects the amount of money available for rent.  Pray that God will lead us to the proper house soon.

Our family all enjoyed and grew through attending the conference earlier this month.  We so thankful for the opportunity to go.  We were challenged in several ways.  One specific area has to do with how to choose the people to evangelize and disciple that will be more resistant to persecution and easier to reach others in their community.  We are evaluating our present methods.

Thank you for your faithful prayer support.

God Bless,

John & Cheryl

1.  Please pray that we not be distracted by good things this summer.

2.  Please pray for our team as we finish up camp preparations.  Pray as well for all the campers to be open to the Word of truth.

3.  Please pray for all of our discipleship groups and house churches to continue to grow in faith throughout the summer.

4.  Please pray that we will find a suitable and affordable house.

5.  Thank you for making it possible for us to attend the conference earlier this month.

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