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October 22, 2020 Prayer Note

Dear Family & Friends,

“With arrogant scoffers he is scornful, yet he shows favor to the humble.”  Prov. 3:34 NET

“Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you should answer everyone.”  Colossians 4:6 NET

 Hopefully, we all desire to receive favor from the Lord!  In order to receive this favor God expects us to live humbly before Him and with our neighbors.  This includes how we speak to and about our neighbors.  Our pride often shows up as we respond to questions and comments.  We need to learn to reply with grace and peace.  When we are humble it goes along way in accomplishing tasks that require the assistance of others or in getting people to see your point of view.  This also applies to the sharing of the Gospel.  When we make fun of a person’s beliefs or way of worship they are not open to hearing the truth of the Gospel.  Let’s try to always sprinkle a little grace in our speech.

We are grateful for all the prayers that have been offered up for The Home of God’s Love.  We ask that you continue to pray for the all of the children.  We especially ask you to lift up the little ones who will soon be placed in homes for adoption.  Their whole world is turned upside down when this happens.  Please pray for their adjustment to their new families.  Pray as well for the adoptive families as they too will have a lot of adjustments to make.  We also ask that you pray for two hiring needs in the social work office, a head social worker for that office, as well as a social worker.

Please pray for the Wednesday night Ladies Bible Study.  Cheryl continues to lead them to more deeply understand God’s Word and to seek answers for their daily lives.

John continues to lead an English Bible study group on Thursday nights.  One gentleman, Peter, has attended for about 2 years.  He prepares well for class and often has very good questions, but he is yet to come to faith.  Please join the Christians in the group in praying for Peter’s salvation.

Last week we invited a young family over for dinner.  It was certainly the first time they had been in an American Christian’s home.  It was probably the first time they had ever been in any Christian’s home for dinner.  We pray that God will continue to provide us with opportunities to have influence in the lives of the Lin family.

Thank you for being faithful in supporting us in prayer.

God Bless,

John & Cheryl

1. Please pray for the babies that are going to adoptive families soon.  Pray as well for the hiring of the needed head social worker and another social worker.

2. Please pray for the spiritual development of the ladies in Cheryl’s Bible study.

3. Please pray for Peter to come to faith in Jesus.

4.  Please pray for us to have more opportunities to share with the Lin family.

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