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August 10, 2014 Prayer Note

Dear Family & Friends,


“Though I have many other things to write to you, I do not want to do so with paper and ink, but I hope to come visit you and speak face to face,  so that our joy may be complete.”  I John 2:15


It is always good to visit face to face with people.  While we are here in Taiwan we look forward to visiting with family & friends that are Stateside and in Canada.  When we are there with you, we look forward to getting back to Taiwan so that we can again see those we know and love here.  That is life for us.  We are so grateful for the fellowship and love that you all shared with us this summer.  You certainly brought joy to our summer.  We look forward to the day when we can rejoice together with all of you and all of our Taiwanese brothers & sisters in heaven seeing our Savior face to face.


We appreciate your prayers for the people of Kaohsiung.  We are relieved to know that most of the homes in the area of the explosions were not damaged structurally.  They are affected greatly due to the lack of utility services to their homes as well as the difficulty with travel.  We will be investigating how we and our churches might be of aid to those who live in that area.


We are grateful for your prayers for our family as we traveled.  Our trip back to Taiwan went well.  We are all doing well as we try to adjust to the humidity and the time difference.  Nathanael arrived safely in Indianapolis, but without his luggage.


We ask that you pray for Andrew & Moriah as they begin school on Monday.  It is pretty quick after just arriving here very late on Friday.  Pray for our family and Ellinor as we all get used to each other again.  She will be coming back to our home tonight.  We also ask that you pray for us as we move back into ministry and life here in Taiwan.  We need wisdom to find a good balance and as to certain specifics about ministry involvement.


Thank you for a wonderful summer.


God Bless,


John & Cheryl



1.  Praise that Lord for the blessing of visiting face to face and the hope of living for eternity in heaven together.

2.  Please pray for the those affected greatly by the explosions in Kaohsiung.

3.  Thank you for praying for our safety while traveling.  Pray for Nathanael’s bags to arrive soon.

4.  Please pray for our family as we get back into life and ministry in Taiwan.


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