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Team Expansion General Request

Praise God for equipping people to train mother-tongue translators in places like Ukraine, Poland, Brazil, and Canada. Pray for progress on Bible translations to accelerate so that God’s Word may be known and obeyed.

Team Expansion Worker

RS (North Africa) will have to keep his distance from granddaughter Julia for six weeks, after his May 12 operation to have radioactive seeds inserted to fight cancer. Pray that this treatment will contain his cancer. Pray for K and the many other North African friends whom R and C contact each week. Pray that God would bless all the believers in North Africa. They have a very difficult path in all areas of life, from rampant unemployment to family opposition.

Pray for More Workers

Ask God to send more workers to serve alongside Bible translators to start making and multiplying disciples and churches in Brazil, Canada, Poland, and the Ukraine.

Unreached People of the Day

The Darzada are taught from birth that they must earn their right to heaven by their obedience to Allah and to the Quran. Would you join us in praying that four workers would go to the Darzada in Pakistan and show them the only way to salvation is through faith in Christ?






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Daily Prayer Force June 16, 2024

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“The LORD has established his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom rules over all.” (Psalm 103:19) Sovereign Father, we…

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