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Team Expansion General Request: May 20, 2019

Praise God for harvest workers who are willing to mentor interns and who have prepared for their help this summer. Pray for Team Asia to transition well to a third world country, to make connections with locals, and to make great strides forward for the resident missionaries.

Final 58 of Laos

Pray for the Lao Evangelical Church to mobilize, train, and send out teams to reach the Mlabri, the Mon and the Myen people groups. (More on The Final 58)

Gospel Breakthrough

Rome, Italy | Pray for Italians who are stuck in tradition and disillusioned by church structures to find faith in the living Jesus Christ.

Team Expansion Worker

Join Andrew and Megan Roe (Japan) in praying for the parents’ classes that they both teach. May these classes continue to be fruitful with ten families involved. Most of these families are not yet believers. Pray for the weekly fellowship at Andy and Megan’s home. Pray for growth and for an outreach plan.

Unreached/Unengaged People Group

Pray for the Olot people group in China, 3,100 followers of ethnic religions. Pray God’s Spirit moves through the Christian resources to attract the Olot people to Jesus and impact the Olot people with His redeeming love. Pray for workers to serve among the Olot people. (More on Finishing the Task)


 Click to see the unreached people group of the day and specific prayer requests.

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Daily Prayer Force July 3, 2024

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“While he was still speaking, a bright cloud enveloped them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my…

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