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Team Expansion General Request: March 23, 2019

Praise God, the Provider of all things. Ask God to provide additional funding for workers serving in Masasi, Tanzania.

Final 58 of Laos

Lift up the Salang (1,000 people), the Salao (1,100 people), and the Samtao (3,500 people) to the throne of God. Ask Him for doors to be opened for the Gospel to spread among these followers of ethnic religions. (More on The Final 58)

Gospel Breakthrough

Tokyo, Japan | Lord, raise up new leaders and locations for new Kingdom communities to form in Tokyo. In the Name of Jesus, Amen!

Team Expansion Worker

Pray for JR and Heather Horn (International Services) as they continue to transition to life in Louisville, KY. The kids have adjusted well to living in Louisville but still ask about friends and family in Kenosha. Continue to pray that they find friendship and deep relationships in Louisville. Please ask God to open doors and ears as JR continues to raise support to work full-time with the Mobilization Team.


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Daily Prayer Force July 24, 2024

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