India has the second largest population of Muslims in the world. If trends continue, it is expected to become the largest within thirty years. Two hundred million Muslims call India home. Islam has been part of India’s cultural and religious heritage since the twelfth century. The city of Delhi has been the center of Islamic authority and influence ever since. Today, Delhi is the third largest urban area in the world. What would happen if this center of Islamic worship and learning experienced an outpouring of God’s Spirit? What if multiplying movements to Jesus broke out in each of Delhi’s historic Islamic communities? Hundreds of millions of Muslims across South Asia need to know the love of Jesus Christ! Delhi has significant influence over most of them. Pray for courageous Gospel witnesses in every Muslim neighborhood and ghetto. Pray for the love of Jesus, through His followers, to meet urgent physical and spiritual needs. Pray for Muslim students to search for Truth and find it in Jesus. https://www.prayercast.com/delhi.html
“People staggered from town to town looking for water, but there was never enough.” (Amos 4:8) Meditate on this verse and ask God to lead you in how to pray for multiplying disciples among the remaining unreached/unengaged people groups in Laos.
Praise God for some encouraging things happening in an urban poor church in Cambodia and in the lives of people of the church, including successful outreach to non-believers through English programs and three young women who recently were baptized.
Ask for God’s blessing on RD’s plans for departing for the field. Pray for God to raise up the needed prayer and financial partners for him.