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In this New Year, Team Expansion has a new vision of GC5 Thinking – the Great Commission, the Great Commandment, Generating Capacity, Generous Collaborating, and Global Change.

Father, we pray in hope, asking You to raise up four key partners to pledge $1million each and provide matching gifts for the other $4 million, resulting in $8 million by January 2030.

Team Expansion Worker

Pray these requests and praise with D and C in a very sensitive field:

  1. Those in prison continue to wait. On November 21, everyone was present in the courtroom (judge, lawyers, our brothers and sister). The judge heard, but the verdict will not be given until February 5, 2025. Why the wait? We do not know. But we will continue to praise Him and trust Him no matter what.
  2. Some disciples are stiff-necked. We continue to try to lean in and walk alongside believers. The 22-member house church met all together, along with three new people thirsty and hungry for truth (and desiring to be baptized). They intend to meet together weekly, but various excuses have kept them from meeting. The two women C met with weekly have been restricted to stay home due to an abusive older brother. They are unable to study with us. Two weeks ago they snuck outside the house and showed up at the school for us to have an hour of “Car Church” together. Beyond that, they are at home being forced to pray Muslim prayers and give all their money to a controlling brother.
  3. A dream came true: D’s parents came to visit!  God blessed with visas for the kids’ grandparents!

Pray for More Workers

Lord of the Harvest, thrust out more workers for Your harvest fields. Father, we pray with hope and ask You to thrust out people to go, train, coach, encourage, or manage as help to shape  GC5 thinking. We ask You Jesus, for a new wave of witnesses  around the block and around the world.


 Click to see the unreached people group of the day and specific prayer requests.

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Daily Prayer Force January 15, 2025

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Father, we praise You for work through the OneKingdom team. You continue to advance the Gospel across Europe. With recent…

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