A leader’s outer life and ministry flows directly from his inner life with God. Pray for harvest workers, local leaders, and believers. Ask God to give them discipline to be in the Word EVERYDAY. Ask God to speak to them personally and encourage them through the passages they will read today. Ask God to give them deep intimacy and open communication in their relationship with Him. As they seek to make disciples who make disciples, ask God to enable them to first BE a disciple worth reproducing.
Praise God for partnerships, projects, and God’s provision for national missionaries to be trained and sent out with the Gospel to people who have not heard it before: the Samtao, the Samtao Thai Doi, the Sapuan, the Sauk, the Sedang, the Sila, the Singmoon, the Sou, the Tahanag, and the Tai He.
Pray that the Golani Druze will incline their ears to hear God so their souls might live. Pray that they will seek the Lord while He may be found and call on Him while He is near. Pray that the Druze will forsake their ways and thoughts, turning to God, so that He will have compassion on them and pardon them abundantly. Praise God! We know that His Word will not return to Him empty, but rather it will accomplish His purposes and the things for which He sent it, even among the Druze people. (Isaiah 55:3a, 5-7, 11)
Join T and A in the Middle East in asking for Spirit-led ministry in this season. Ask for boldness and wisdom and mental and physical health.