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“Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:2)

Father, we want to bring to Your throne a research team traveling throughout six cities in southeast Asia this summer conducting a nationwide study in their land to determine which pockets/peoples/towns/villages have no church, no witness at all. Please give insight, discernment, and knowledge to this team to discover what You have for them to learn. Protect this team. Give them favor with nationals to find the answers they are searching for. Open doors to the Gospel in these six cities to take the Gospel and reach multitudes who haven’t heard it before.

Team Expansion Worker

Please join JB (Diaspora Team) in lifting these requests before our Lord:

  • Next steps for Huso to disciple and shepherd his family.
  • Jail ministry effectiveness and relational connection.
  • Shelby County immigrant church connections.
  • A coalition of the right people to start a diaspora church network

Pray for More Workers

Lord of the Harvest, You must be preparing people to hear and receive the Gospel when it finally comes to them. Thrust out disciple makers and multipliers to the six  cities mentioned above to yield an abundant harvest in southeast Asia.


 Click to see the unreached people group of the day and specific prayer requests.

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Daily Prayer Force June 18, 2024

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