Pray for Ukraine as more and more translations of the Bible become available in heart languages of the people. Pray for the hearts of the Roma of Ukraine to be prepared to receive the Gospel of salvation.
Pray that the Mon, the Muiji, the Myen, and the Nguon in Laos will soon be classified as reached with the Gospel.
Pray that God will inspire the Mien believers in Laos to produce viral media with Christian messages that will spread like wildfire in Mien communities throughout the world.
J and J are on home assignment from Eastern Europe. Pray that they may meet these goals while in the U.S.: 1) Share about the ministry 2) Mobilize more workers and prayer for God’s kingdom to expand 3) Develop some partners for the pro-life ministry 4) Get clarity about their best contributions to ministry for the next 3-5 years 5) Enjoy a change of pace and scenery.