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Creator and Lord of the Universe, we humble ourselves before You as Sovereign of all. You spoke and brought chaos into order. You breathed and brought man to life. In you we move and breathe and have our being. You have given us Your Light to share with the world. Lord Jesus, in this time of social distancing, may Your people shine their light into lives that are covered in darkness. As we pass the days allotted for staying home, we pray for innovative ways to show Your love and light to those who need it most desperately.

“For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.”(2 Corinthians 4:5-6)

This past February, three female Lao national missionaries arrived in a Kher village to disciple new believers. They noticed something was off and people acting differently. The bext morning, a group of over twenty men came to the girls, led by the village headman who asked them to share the Gospel. They had just begun when the police arrived and realized this was a trap! They finished the Gospel presentation at the request of the police and then were taken into custody. At the police station, the girls were insulted, threatened, and interrogated for hours. Under threat of physical violence and being thrown into the men’s prison, the girls unlocked their phones for the police who took incriminating data regarding their ministry. The police saved all this data onto the station computer and have been using it in a wider investigation of the Final 58 Project. The girls encouraged each other with Scripture and prayer throughout this interrogation time period. The police ordered the girls to share the Gospel again, while over ten of them listened and recorded. Finally, they were released during the late afternoon the following day, and the team returned home. Praise God that the three girls were released and unharmed. Pray for these 3 young women to process this traumatic experience in a healthy way. They were shaken, but their faith still seems to be strong.

In Matthew 28, Jesus sent his disciples to … make disciples who … make disciples. Pray that all Christ-followers in Ancona, Italy would understand and believe that they too are called to go and make disciples and that the end goal for each disciple is to become a disciple-maker.

Ask God to bring wisdom and knowledge as to how to equip ministers with the tools to advance the Gospel within their churches. One of JR Horn’s goals for 2020 is to create a coaching program for mission ministers, lead ministers, and mission teams.


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Daily Prayer Force July 26, 2024

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“The voice of the LORD breaks the cedars; the LORD breaks the cedars of Lebanon.” (Psalm 29:5) Father, thank You…

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