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“For the kingdom of God does not consist in talk but in power.” 1 Corinthians 4:20

Father, we praise You for the truth spoken in Your Word. Your kingdom is not just jibber-jabber or fairy tale, but a true place that we eagerly await to come in power at Your appointed time. We praise You, God, for establishing Your home in us where Your Presence and Your Spirit reigns.

Let Your Kingdom Come – Chris Jackson

Team Expansion Worker

Please join Travis and Jill Wall (Louisville Diaspora) in praying for these requests:

For additional committed monthly financial partners
For R to continue to read the Dari Bible to be able to meet consistently to study together
For physical healing for AH from Bell’s Palsy and that that the Lord would draw him near to repentance and faith!

For the Gospel Conversations training that took place in April
For the plans God has for the family as Jill transitions to have more of an active role with the ladies
Weekly visits with Muslims
ESL classes are going great!
For all the opportunities that God is providing Travis to share the Gospel with friends for the first time!
For another opportunity to train national believers in two additional countries this summer
For warmer weather for prayer walking more often and more picnics with Muslim friends

Pray for More Workers

Lord of the Harvest, thrust out kingdom workers to proclaim Your Name among the nations.


 Click to see the unreached people group of the day and specific prayer requests.

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Daily Prayer Force June 17, 2024

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“Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; steadfast love and faithfulness go before you.” (Psalm 89:14) Father, thank…

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