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Team Expansion General Request: May 4, 2019

The idea of Simply Mobilizing was introduced to the global Kairos family in 2015 and has been simmering in the U.S. ever since. Over the last few years, ideas have been implemented, and small steps have built on the Kairos course foundation. During this past year, God raised up new coordination team members and a firmer vision formed for the U.S.A. This has set the stage for the Simply Mobilizing breakthrough in 2019. Praise God for this advance in His vision to see all God’s people mobilized for the world Christian movement.

Final 58 of Laos

Pray for the Final 58 teams going out to share with the Bit, Mouji, and Phoumon people groups. (More on The Final 58)

Gospel Breakthrough

Serbs of Bosnia | Bosnia-Herzegovina comprises two entities: The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Serbia. The Federation is predominantly Bosniak (Muslim), and Croat Catholic) while the Republic of Serbia is Serb (Orthodox). To complicate matters more, Bosnia has a directly elected tripartite presidency. The three presidency members are from the three constituent nations: one Bosniak, one Serb, and one Croat. Ask Father God, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit to move in BiH to bring about a peaceful union between these three constituents. Pray they may function and rule in peace and harmony for the good of all.

Team Expansion Worker

Pray with A and J in Southeast Asia for the renewal of their memo of understanding with the Ministry of Health. Pray for a strategic planning meeting and for the evaluation of the residency training program. Ask for productive meetings and stamina.

Unengaged/Unreached People Group

Pray for the Linghua people group in China, 26,500 followers of ethnic religions. They have no resources, no witnesses, and no workers. Ask God to change the Linghuas’ spiritual desert to a refreshing and nurtured Christ-centered oasis. (More on Finishing the Task)

Give Thanks

Praise God with A and J in Southeast Asia for the generosity of donors which has made it possible to purchase hand-held ultrasound devices for the hospital in which they work. These increase the services they can offer, decrease wait time and expense, and make for improved outcomes all around.


 Click to see the unreached people group of the day and specific prayer requests.

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Daily Prayer Force July 26, 2024

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“The voice of the LORD breaks the cedars; the LORD breaks the cedars of Lebanon.” (Psalm 29:5) Father, thank You…

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