Team Expansion General Request: April 10, 2019
Discipleship is often strangled because so many people think that church planting means building buildings, employing pastors, making budgets, and having programs. Pray that believers would have a vision for making disciples who make disciples and that they would do the essential things of the church – Love God, Love People, and Make Disciples.
Final 58 of Laos
Ask God to make it possible for the Kasseng (1,200 people) and the Kate (800 people) to become His children and disciple makers. (More on The Final 58)
Gospel Breakthrough
The Druze of Golan Heights | In Islam, there is no assurance of salvation. Many women choose or are forced to marry to better their chances to enter paradise once they die. They also believe that having more children increases their chances. Girls are married off at a young age and often treated as a slave or another wife to a man who does not care for her. The majority of marriages end in divorce. Pray that the Lord would meet these women, like He did the Samaritan woman at the well. Pray that these women would receive His words of life.
Team Expansion Worker
Join Mark and Kathy Lipic (Sicily) in praying for L who is from Cameroon. He is growing in his relationship with Christ and has been helping to translate to French when Mark is doing Bible teaching. Pray that he would be steadfast in his faith and that he would be able to find a job in Catania. Mark is doing a Bible study with several Italian men on Tuesday evenings. Pray the men will continue coming to the Bible study and grow in their understanding of who God is and what a relationship with him means.